There is a museum restaurant beside my company. i received a flyer from a Vietnamese during my lunch time. It called The Sire, sounds like it can fulfil all your DESIRE! They were having promotion, you just need to pay for the main course.
So, i went there with my colleague, as the term "museum restaurant" really stir up my curiosity, despite it might make my wallet suffered "internal bleeding".
I am really surprise with the restaurant... Its ID and conservation works really made me impressed!

This old house was previously owned by a Peranakan, tha's why it look like old houses in Malacca (Jonker Street).
The appetiser, a garlic loaf for each of us, and some vege seasoned with cheese powder.

Damn little! Anyway, i shouldn't complain as they are complimentary appetiser.
The curry chicken spaghetti. Taste "mama"..

The seafood spaghetti. An ordinary seafood with spaghetti. Need to put some pepper or it would be a bit tastless.

The cabonara spaghetti (mine). If you are cheese addicted, try this one.

Why all of us ordered spaghetti? It is simple, it is the cheapest main course in the restaurant! lol. Poor people like us can't afford fancy lunch.

Ice cream and coffee on the house. Good.

The spaghetti is always better than many fast food restaurant like Swesen, Pizzahut, etc. And the price is reasonable for dining in such calm and romantic environment.
By the time we finish our lunch, it was already 2pm. Darn, late for work!!!
For fancy version of The Sire, please visit to Lingzie's blog, which is far more better experience than mine.