I guess i was too "steam" about Suzuki Swift last few months... Mind was full of its sexy & horny pictures until...
My Sunny was so jealous go and "long" a Kelisa!!!

* My poor Sunny T_T
It all happen 2 weeks ago when i was turning into USM Sungai Dua's gate. I was on my way to Khaleel Restaurant to have my Yummy, Large, Cheap, with Tasty Mayo, Khaleel's Burger. Tired? + Pressure? + probably thinking too much of having a Suzuki Swift, i drift into USM without any hesitation. Great, i should have hesitated as i always do.
With 2 empty stomaches, me and lee eng had to go Balai and made report. I was fined RM300 and i haven't pay yet due to critical financial crisis. So anyone feel sympathy bout me, please spare me some change, or i will end up like Raymond Brothers... T_T
The next day i went to garage, ask them to quote the repairing cost. OMGggg (can't even speak fluently at this moment), at least 3k... The guy even told me buy a new one. Geram... After seeking opinion from "heroes from four directions", i decided to go Mainland to give another try.
Mainland is much much more cheaper, 1.4k a package deal. Nice. But still, my financial crisis even worse now.. So, again, please support me by donating money to this account, CIMB Bank, xxxx-00-xxxx-xxxx. Thank you.
Anyway, the luckiest is Lee Eng is sound and safe. The whole world / Sunny is nothing if she is not sitting beside me again... I will drive extremely careful next time. I promise.