I feel sorry for not updating this blog for a long time although the readers is only me and me girlfriend... Okok, just cut the crap... It becomes a universal template for some one who dump his/her blog like forever.
Just look carefully at this figure!!!
What does it meant to you? Toto 8D? Bloody hell, don't tell me you can't get it?!? All right, it seems that i am too lazy to do the "please scroll down for answers thing", just let me tell you now... It's the combination to my Chastity belt. All right, no more "meet the spartan"...
Obviously it mean 4 March 2008. It indeed a memorable day to many of us, the tortured souls who study in HBP USM, Penang... Ok, just now too carried away for now..
Due to the failure of making pancake in the past, which had haunted me like years, exacerbated by the taunting of my housemates, i decided to practise the dare-to-fail spirit. Yea baby yea, i am going to transform myself into a pancake man this morning. Aided by my personal assistant, ms. khoo, we are beginning to rock the world!!! Hi Ha!
Well, this is the result:

Obviously this is just a warm up product... Guess who is the mother of success? Failure la stupid!
The subsequent products will definitely shut your mouth off! Doesn't it look adorable? my cute little pancakes, or perhaps Doraemon's cake? Yummy!!

Too bad the last one didn't end up well, never mind, in chinese we call this the beauty of FLAW!

So guess who is the chief of today? Cast your almighty holy vote now... It may change the world... DA DA, it's me... hurray!!!!

And not the forgot the mysterious guess and assistant of the day - ms. khoo. Without her support and teaching, i am nothing

Before ended my cooking show, not to forget that it is four more days before our national election and our most handsome boy in ID 3rd Year, mr. wong kah ming, had sprained his knee... OMG, the almighty beast finally fallen... Joke a side, deep in my heart i am so sorry to heard that. Get well soon bro! Anyway, this accident may you consider about losing your weight man. Take care bro.