Another group of figures, what am i up to this time? Maybe i am too into the drama series, numb3rs? Nah, i never watch one.
Today is world women day... So say thank you to your mummy, granny, girl friendS and so on and so forth. But what people concern more now is, today is National Election! Bloody hell, who's going to win tonight, will BN falls? Will it be the rise of DAP, or the "Moon"? God bless, dont send me the moon...
So what are you doing this whole days? Do you even bother to cast ur "holy" vote? Please, tell me you do... or shame on you! Ya, it is you! Dun try to turn around and pointing others! Haha, maybe it's me too...
Anyway, now is 9.15pm. The result is almost there. The is so crowded with people now... U can see by the picture attached below. And believe me, there are still a lot people there when you scroll down. Looks like DAP is taking away Penang now... So do NS and Malacca. God bless something bad is not happening tomoro. For the winners and losers, please calm down... 513 is not what we always want. It's useless to cry over split milk and pointing at each others in future history books. Please...
You can click on the picture for better view ;)

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