Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thank You U-heights Lift

After having dinner at bali-bali and finishing my RM 1 per 'LOK' banana (this banana is abnormal big, guys, please dun compare it with ur precious... :P), then, go home la, what else?

Wise people always say, shit happens! So, today, shit happens! and the shittest is it happen to me.

The lifts (yes, all 4 lifts) were malfunction, they stopped at every floor, open and close open and close open and close. Details please ask jing nin, he is the first batch of victims. At the GF, i met them. Su Qi from ID advice me not to take the lift, even though i stay at the top floor, level 19.

Ok, i had taken her advice. Now, my legs cant stop shivering... :'(

Thanks to you, u-heights lifts, for giving me 2 rubbery legs!!! BTW, i was faster than Suk Peng and Mei Yong at level 14, as they had taken the lift.. HAHA, LOSERS!

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